DAB Held a Workshop for Mass Media Representatives

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۲/۸/۱۱ - ۱۱:۱۴
DAB Held a Workshop for Mass Media Representatives

November 01, 2023—Da Afghanistan Bank has always tried to maintain effective relations with media keeping in consideration the significant role of media in growth and prosperity of the countries, and through them act in providing accurate, timely and effective information. In view of this principle, today a training workshop was delivered pertaining to the goals, duties and overall monetary policies of the bank for the large number of mass media representatives of the country at DAB Conference Hall.

During this workshop, insights were provided on the formulation and execution of monetary policies of the country for the last two years, development of Islamic banking, development of payment systems and its effectiveness in accountability and escalation of business, situation of banking sector and effective programs planned for the improvement of providing standard banking services to the people.

At the outset, the acting Governor of DAB, Mr. Hedayatullah Badri, extended his gratitude and appreciation to media for broadcasting accurate information and added that the role of media is vital for the improvement of economic situation, ensuring transparency, accountability and social justice. He also said that transparency and accountability are the core values Da Afghanistan Bank. He further explained that access to information is the people’s right, and is achieved if there is cooperation between government institution and the media.

Mr. Badri said that holding such a workshop indicates DAB’s commitment to ensuring effective relations with the media and disseminating and publishing accurate data of the performance and achievements of Da Afghanistan Bank. Also, he added that the media remained our best partner for delivering information to the people during last two years, hoping that the cooperation will continue for the future.

Subsequently, Monetary Policy, Islamic Banking, Banking Supervision and Payment Systems Departments delivered their effective and valuable presentations, and insights provided upon by the participants.

Finally, answers were provided to the questions of the participants and certificates of participation were granted to them at the end of the workshop.

آخرین اخبار

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۵/۲ - ۱۵:۱۷
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حریق بانکنوت‌های مندرس در زون شمال د افغانستان بانک

۱۶ محرم الحرام ۱۴۴۶- د افغانستان بانک بانکنوت‌های مندرس جمع‌آوری شده از زون های شمال و شمال شرق که مجموعاً (۱،۰۷۳،۹۶۲،۰۰۰) یک میلیارد و هفتاد و سه میلیون و نهصد و شصت و دو هزار افغانی. . .

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۵/۱ - ۱۴:۳۶
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تدویر کنفرانس تمویلات کوچک مالی اسلامی بمنظور رشد تجارت های کوچک و متوسط

16 محرم الحرام 1446- محترم صدیق الله خالد آمر عمومی دفتر ریاست د افغانستان بانک، در همایش تحت عنوان "هفته مالی اسلامی افغانستان" که پیرامون تمویل مالی اسلامی کوچک راه اندازی گردیده بود،. . .

شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۴/۳۰ - ۱۶:۲۹
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تلاش برای توسعه خدمات مالی

14 محرم الحرام 1446 محترم نور احمد آغا سرپرست ریاست کُل د افغانستان بانک با محترم ستیفن رودریگز، رئیس اداره انکشافی سازمان ملل متحد در افغانستان، و هیأت همراهش دیدار و پیرامون مسائل. . .

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